Agency Launch Guide

My agency is launching with Binti!

Welcome to Binti

  • Welcome to Binti
  • Launch Process
  • Meet the Team

Best Practices for Launch

  • Engage your stakeholders
  • Review your process
  • Prepare your forms and documentation

Preliminary Launch Requirements

  • Preliminary Launch Requirements
  • Agency Questionnaires
  • Templates for Download
  • Collecting Data Baselines
  • Submitting Forms, Documents, and Templates

Integrations - Coming Soon

  • Opportunities for Integration - Coming Soon


Welcome to Binti

Binti is a unique mission-driven company founded on the core value of putting the child first, and is committed to the promise of developing and implementing innovative technologies to enable all youth to meet their full potential. Our CEO, Felicia Curcuru, saw the challenges of the foster and adoption process after her sister struggled with the process of adopting two children, and knew that technology could empower agencies to close the gap between the lack of foster and adoptive parents and the demand for safe and loving homes.


Binti works with over 450+ statewide, county, and private agencies across 33 states, saving 20-40% of worker time, approving 30% more families in the first year, and reducing the time to approval by 18%. We are looking forward to you becoming part of the Binti family, so we can work together to achieve great outcomes for children and families. 


Launch Process

Binti uses a partnership-driven, iterative approach to support high quality launches, helping our agency partners to quickly achieve better outcomes for children and families. Our Binti Launch Team will work directly with your agency’s project management team and decision makers from each state through each phase of the launch process, focusing on each deliverable and dependency, while ensuring an agile approach that can meet your agency’s needs. Please review this sample timeline to see the process of launching your agency on Binti.


Prior to Start

Agency Preparedness

  • Agency defines project team and engages stakeholders
    • Agency team should include a project manager who can make business decisions, experts in the program, process, and requirements, as well as those familiar with the agency’s data and IT systems.
    • Stakeholders will include the day-to-day users of Binti (front-line workers, supervisors, Resource Families, sub-agencies, etc.), those who may access Binti for reporting (managers and executive leadership), and those who may not use Binti, but will be interested in the impact of Binti (community organizations, families, etc.)
  • Agency prepares forms and documentation.
    • All of the agency’s documents and requirements will be configured directly into Binti. When an applicant enters information into Binti, their responses will be generated directly onto the agency’s forms. The Binti launch is a great opportunity for a “fresh look” at these documents.
    • Are there any edits that the agency wants to make to forms? For example, the agency may want to clean up an old form or edit a form to reflect updated practice language or policies.
    • Do all forms include a current and consistent logo/letterhead?
    • Are all forms in Microsoft Word format (preferred), or native Adobe PDF? Scanned copies of documents are not compatible with Binti’s system.


Phase 1

Kick Off & Requirements Gathering

  • Binti and agency builds a joint core team to develop a detailed project plan based on contracted deliverables
  • Agency completes “implementation guide” submissions (Launch Specialist will provide details and access)
  • Binti and agency contribute to process mapping exercises to understand the necessary workflows and requirements that need to be built into Binti
  • Binti maps out and recommend a structure for the agency’s template
  • Agency provides Binti all requirements necessary for configuration (such as agency forms, and messaging)
  • Data Integration - API: Agency launches API environment or Data Import: Agency and Binti partner on data mapping


Phase 2

Iterative Configuration

  • Binti builds the agency template, configured with all of the agency requirements
  • Binti leads “walkthrough meetings” for the agency to go through each step of the template, collect feedback, and answer key questions
  • Data Integration - API:  Agency launches one-directional API in the new environment and maps data sources or Data Import: Agency completes a test-pull of data import and Binti completes initial data validation


Phase 3

Quality Assurance

  • Agency completes user acceptance testing on Binti templates and the API (if applicable)
  • Binti resolves final feedback 
  • Data Integration - API: Agency continues to map data sources or Data Import: Agency addresses data inconsistencies and develops transitional data plan, with Binti guidance

Final Preparations

  • Agency and Binti resolve outstanding business decisions
  • Binti completes a final Quality Assurance check and push the Binti template to Production
  • Binti leads workforce training for power-users 
  • Data Integration - API:  Agency launches bi-directional API and maps data sources or Data Import: Agency will complete final data pull and transfer, and Binti will import all licensing data

Go Live for Licensing

  • Binti trains all users on core Binti functionality, and deep-dive training for power-users
  • Binti and Agency engage in ongoing success planning
  • Agency uses Binti to improve process and outcomes 


Phase 4

Ongoing Success & Placements Preparation 

  • Agency and Binti resolve outstanding business decisions
  • Binti leads workforce training for power-users
  • Data Integration - API:  Agency launches bi-directional API and maps data sources or Data Import: Agency will complete final data pull and transfer, and Binti will import all placement data

Go Live for Placements

  • Binti trains all users on core Binti functionality, and deep-dive training for power-users
  • Binti and agency engage in ongoing success planning
  • Agency uses Binti to improve process and outcomes 


Please note: Each agency may have unique circumstances that impact this timeline. Your Launch Specialist will work through an individual project plan.


Meet the Team


Binti’s team is excited to work with you to ensure a smooth launch process. Each agency will work with the following Binti team:


  • Account Executive - individual who is working with you through the procurement/contracting process. 
  • Launch Specialist/Project Manager - will lead the process to launch your Binti, and is your ‘go-to’ during this implementation.
  • Technical Account Manager - will complete the technical elements of configuring Binti to your agency’s requirements.
  • Customer Success Manager - will be your ongoing Binti advisor and contact after your launch.
  • API & Data Integration Lead - a resource for connecting your existing system and Binti through our API, if applicable.

We are also excited to work with YOUR team! To support a smooth launch, we ask that you identify the following individuals (it’s okay if one person fills more than one role, if that is what works best for your agency). 


  • Launch Lead - This person is responsible for project management on the agency side. This person works directly with Binti to connect all of the necessary program, IT, workforce training, and other teams during onboarding with Binti. The Launch Lead will attend most launch meetings and may sync with the Binti Launcher weekly for ~30 minutes.
  • Program Expert(s) - This person (or people!) knows all of your agency's processes and requirements for approvals and licensing. This person likely will be a key ongoing contact once your agency has launched with Binti. Program Experts will attend most launch meetings.
  • IT Expert(s) - This person (or people!) knows your agency's IT systems and may support integration with Binti's API. IT Experts will attend some launch meetings.
  • Data Expert(s) - This person (or people!) knows how to pull and format data from your current system(s). Data Experts will attend some launch meetings.


Best Practices for Launch


Engage your team and other stakeholders.

Stakeholders will include the day-to-day users of Binti (front-line workers, supervisors, Resource Families, sub-agencies, etc.), those who may access Binti for reporting (managers and executive leadership), and those who may not use Binti, but will be interested in the impact of Binti (community organizations, Legislators, etc.). An organized and collaborative approach to implementation will help increase the value that Binti can provide to your agency. Check out these tips for engaging your stakeholders and identifying project management roles. 

Review your process

Binti is an incredible tool for streamlining the applicant and worker experience in child welfare. It is important to remember that when an agency uses Binti, your agency will likely not maintain the same processes you once held in your paper-based systems. How will the switch to Binti impact your workers? Are there work-arounds that have been developed in lieu of having access to innovative solutions? What decision points and requirements can be simplified with an online platform? Check out these tips for process mapping.

Prepare your forms and documentation

All of your agency’s documents and requirements will be configured directly into Binti. When an applicant enters information into Binti, their responses will be generated directly onto your agency’s forms. Your Binti launch is a great opportunity for a “fresh look” at these documents.

  • Are there any edits you want to make to your forms? For example, you may want to clean up an old form or edit a form to reflect updated practice language or policies.
  • Do all of your forms include a current and consistent logo/letterhead?
  • Are all of your forms in Microsoft Word format (preferred), or native Adobe PDF? Scanned copies of documents are not compatible with Binti’s system.


Preliminary Launch Requirements

Below are a series of questionnaires and materials for your agency to use during your launch with Binti. These resources will help us to collect the right information from your agency to support the launch process.


Agency Questionnaires

Please complete each of the following questionnaires. Each should take 10-20 minutes to complete. 


Templates for Download

Please find linked below a series of downloadable templates for you to use to submit information to Binti. Once these are completed by your agency, you will be prompted to upload them. 


  • Supporting Documents are the items that need to be submitted for licensure, but are not forms. Examples include a driver’s license or training certificate. Please use this helpful guide to document your agency’s supporting documents:
  • Training requirements can be tracked for applicants and co-applicants. Please use this helpful guide to document your agency’s training requirements.
  • The Agency Staffing List will help Binti ensure the right stakeholders are involved with your Binti launch. Make sure to include agency leadership, those who should be involved in the launch process, future users of Binti, IT, and project management teams. Please use this helpful guide to document your agency’s staffing list:
  • Partner agencies, if included in your Binti contract, may also have access to Binti. Please use this helpful guide to document information about your partner agencies: 


Submitting Forms, Documents, and Templates

Please upload your completed information templates (Supporting Documents, Background Checks, Training Requirements, Agency Staffing List, Partner Agencies) into this link:

Please use this link to upload each of your agency’s forms/documents. Examples may include applicant, reference form, or home study. Please use this link for as many forms/documents as your agency needs.

Collecting Data Baselines

Please complete each of the following questionnaires based on your agency’s current data. Time needed to complete these questionnaires will vary based on your data system. This data will help inform your progress over time as you use Binti.



Opportunities for Integrations - Coming Soon!



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