Family Tags

What are Family Tags?

Caregivers can be assigned a “tag” (aka a ‘label’), and agency workers can then filter reports and dashboards by those tags. Tagging is a designed to be a flexible way to group families. Most use-cases can be accommodated. Below are some example use-cases that are unlocked by tagging:

  • Filter for applicants applying through specific offices or regions
  • Filter for  applicants identified for specific programs
  • Filter for applicants recruited through a specific channels or recruitment tactic

How Does it Work?

You can apply a tag to a family via Edit Application > “Family Tags” (Binti employees can also do this in bulk). For example, below is a tag indicating a family was recruited at a specific recruiting event:


Once applied, you can filter the Caregiver Applications, Placement Options, and View Matching Families pages. The filter is also available on the Case Loads and Recruiting Progress reports.

How do I enable Family Tags?

Contact your Customer Success Manager to enable this feature.

How do I add or modify Family Tags?

Contact your Customer Success Manager to manage your list of Family Tags.

What is the difference between Family Tags and Offices/Regions?

The existing Offices/Regions filter is applicable to agency workers only. Family tags can be applied to applicants.









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