Family/RFA ID

What is the Family/RFA ID?

The Family ID (RFA ID in California) is an alphanumeric identifier assigned to caregivers to track an application or license. 

How does Binti generate a Family ID/RFA ID?

By default, a Family/RFA ID is automatically generated once an applicant is placed into "Applying" status in Binti. However, this feature is optional and may be disabled upon request. If you do not want Binti to automatically generate an ID, please contact your Customer Success Manager.

How do I add or change a Family/RFA ID?

Family/RFA ID's can be modified at any time by agency administrators or by Binti Support. If you have administrator permissions, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Applicant Data for a caregiver
  2. In the Applicant Info section, find Family/RFA ID
  3. Click "Edit" 
  4. On the License Information page, click "Edit License" in the top right corner.
  5. Enter the new license ID, and click the "Update License" button.


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