How do I add a family to Binti?


To add a family, caregiver, or provider to Binti, use the "Intake Caregiver" feature.



  1. In the top navigation bar, click "Caregivers" and then "Intake Caregiver".
  2. IMPORTANT: Select the correct application template from the dropdown menu.
  3. Provide required information, as indicated by red asterisks.
  4. Click "Submit Intake form"
  5. Provide required information about other adults in the home.
  6. Click 'Continue'.

The step-by-step tutorial below also provides an overview of all required steps:

What information is required to complete an intake?

At minimum, Binti requires the following information to complete an intake: first and last name, email and/or phone number, number of applicants, status, and family type

First and last name
A first and last name are required for applicants and co-applicants.
Email/phone number
Binti requires either an email or phone number at time of intake. This requirement only applies to the primary applicant. There are additional options provided when entering an email:
Applicant does not have an email address. Select this box if the caregiver does not have an email address. Please note that without an email provided, a caregiver cannot complete their application online.
Application is a historical application. Select this box if you are entering information about an application that was completed outside of Binti. This prevents the application data from appearing in reports like Time to Approval. It will also prevent welcome or reminder emails from being sent to the caregiver.
Don't send a welcome email to this applicant. Select this box if you do not want Binti to send a welcome email. You might choose to use this option if you are entering a family only for recruitment purposes.
Number of applicants
Select the number of applicants in the home (one or two). If two, enter any information you have for the co-applicant. If unsure, select "Not sure" and applicants can self-select the first time they log in.
Number of other adults
Select the number of other adults in the home. Enter any information you have for other adults. If possible, provide an email to enable access to the other adult requirements portal. If unsure, select "Not sure" and applicants can indicate if there are other adults in the home in the caregiver portal.
Status refers to whether a caregiver will appear in the 'Recruiting' or 'Applying' tab in Binti. Check with your agency leadership to determine how each status is used, the definitions below are generalized. If you accidentally intake a caregiver with the wrong status, you can easily modify it on the Change Application Status page.
Recruiting status is generally used when caregivers that have expressed interest in starting the application process. Caregivers do not receive a Family ID in the Recruiting status.
Applying status is generally utilized for caregivers actively involved in the application process. Caregivers receive a Family ID in the Applying status.
Family Type
Family Type refers to the type of caregiver you are working with or license that you are issuing. Check with your agency leadership to determine how each type is used. You are able to select from the following family types in Binti:
  • Relative/NREFM 
  • Fictive Kin
  • Community
  • Guardian

What additional information can be provided during intake?

Indicate race and ethnicity information for applicants and co-applicants. Applicants may also also self-identify this information through the caregiver portal.
Tribal Enrollment
Indicate enrollment status in a Federally Recognized Tribe and status as an ICWA home. Applicants may also also self-identify this information through the caregiver portal.
Family Tags
Labels that can be applied to applicants to help with categorization and sorting. This is customized per agency request. Learn more in our article about Family Tags.
Indicate primary and additional languages. When selecting additional languages, the applicant should be considered fluent. Applicants may also self-identify this information through the caregiver portal.
How did applicant learn of agency?
Indicate how an applicant learned about your agency for recruitment tracking purposes.
Confidential Family
Indicate that an applicant should be considered confidential. Learn more in our article about Confidential Families.
Approvals Workers
Agency workers that are assigned to work with an applicant and carry out the application process.
Support Workers
Agency workers that are assigned to assist or monitor approvals workers during the application process.
Date of Inquiry
The date that an applicant first contacted your agency. Default value is the date at time of intake, but can be modified using the date selector.
Case Type
Only visible to California agencies, select whether a case is Dependency or Probation.
App External Identifier
Optional field to store external identifiers for the caregiver that exist in other systems of record.
Physical/Mailing Address
Full physical address for the caregiver with the option to specify an alternate mailing address.
Out of County or ICPC
Indicate if an application is referred to/from Out of County or completed as part of an ICPC.

Troubleshoot Common Issues

Issue Solution
Email is already associated with an account in Binti.
  1. Use a different email address if possible.
  2. Check the box "Applicant does not have an email address".
    • Note: The caregiver will be unable to log in to their application until they have an email address on file.
  3. Contact Binti Support for assistance if options 1 or 2 are not possible.
One caregiver has multiple applications in Binti.

Refer to our article on how to Merge Duplicate Applications.

I completed an intake accidentally and need to delete it.
  1. Ensure you would like to delete instead of moving the caregiver to a withdrawn or closed status.
  2. Contact Binti Support for assistance.
"Unable to intake family" error
  1. Confirm if any required information is missing. Binti will highlight missing information in red. 
  2. If no required information is missing, contact Binti Support for assistance.
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