I need to re-sign a form


You might need to re-sign a form if there was a typo in your signature or if it needs to be signed with today's date. The date signed cannot be manually entered; it is automatically set to today's date when you re-sign the form.


How to re-sign a form

  1. Navigate to the form that needs to be re-signed, and open it by clicking on the form's name.
  2. Make a change to any field in the form, such as adding a space at the end of a text field. This will register as a change in the system.
  3. Click "Save" in the bottom right, and then return to the main screen by clicking the "Back to requirements" or "Back to application" button near the top left.
  4. You will now see the "Sign for [Your Name]" buttons again.
  5. Click the button to re-sign the form.



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