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Reports Overview

Binti offers an array of reports to help understand and interpret data collected throughout the licensing process. In addition, many reports offer the option to download a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file. Access to reports depends on your individual role or permissions. 

Licensing Reports

Name Description CSV
Background Check Exemptions Table which displays an agency-wide list of active and historical background check exemptions.  
Background Checks Table which displays an agency-wide list of completed background checks.  
Case Loads Table which displays an agency-wide list overview of initial and renewal applications assigned to agency workers.  
Days Since Application Signed Table which displays the number of days that have passed since a caregiver signed their initial application.  
Days Since Placement Table which displays the number of days that have passed since a child was placed in the home of a caregiver prior to approval.  
Family Map An interactive map of all caregivers including their family ID, location, and current status. Optional heat map overlay.  
License Appeals Table which displays an agency-wide list active and historical license appeals.  
Recruiting Progress Table and bar graph which displays a cohort-based overview of which application status community (non-relative) caregivers are currently in.   
Recruitment Sources Table and bar graph which displays applicant answers to "How did you hear about our agency?"  
Status Change History Table which displays a detailed log of status changes made to applications.  
Status Change Reasons Table and bar graph which displays the reasons why caregivers were moved to the status of recruiting dropout, withdrawn, denied, or post-approval closed.  
Status Changes Table and line graph which displays the total number of status changes per status category.  
Team Performance Table which displays all approvals, renewals, withdraws, denials, and closures per agency worker. Also displays the average time to approval per agency worker.  
Time to Approval Line graph, scatter graph, and table which displays the length of the approval process. There are three views: days between signature and approval, days between placement and approval, and days between inquiry and approval.  
Training Attendance Table which displays an agency-wide list of trainings attended by caregivers.  
Utilization Table which displays an overview of Binti utilization by agency workers.  
My Requested Reports A list of reports that take additional time to process due to a large data set. Once complete, data can be downloaded here. N/A


Agency-Specific Licensing Reports

These reports only display to specific agencies based on location and/or configurable features that have been enabled by a Customer Success Manager.

Name Description CSV
California Quarterly Report RFA 181 Only visible for California agencies.  
Conversions Processed Only visible for California agencies. Table which displays all conversions by caregiver type: eligible, applying, or approved.  
Good Causes Table which displays all unspecified and specified Good Causes (reasons why a caregiver has not been approved after 90 days). Requires configuration by Binti. Contact your Customer Success Manager.  
Good Cause Reasons Bar chart and table displaying Good Cause reasons (the barriers to families being approved by 90-days). Requires configuration by Binti. Contact your Customer Success Manager for more information.  
LA BIAS Readiness Score Only visible for Los Angeles County.  
Services Table which displays all services delivered to caregivers. Requires configuration by Binti. Contact your Customer Success Manager for more information.  


Caregiver Management Reports

Name Description CSV
Case Management Case Loads Table which displays an agency-wide list of workers and their number of child assignments.  
Child Referral Demographics Bar graph and table showing placement of children in community home, private agency home, or group home. Change tabs to see information broken down by gender, ethnicity, and age. Referring agency information must be added on child information page (under Edit Child > Agency) and placement search must be added for child in order for information to be populated on this report.  
Family Contact

Table displaying last contact with the family/agency. Also shows the number of calls made regarding a potential placement in the past 12 months, and how many times they said ‘yes’ to placement. 

Use this to track families you may not be reaching out to frequently, or families who may need their preferences updated so that placement matches are more likely. 

Family Preferences Utilization

Table listing all families and the date their preferences were most recently updated, and by which worker.  

Payments Table which displays an agency-wide list of placement providers and payments.  
Placement Case Loads

Open placement searches according to assigned worker, and how many placements each worker secured each month. Also shows unassigned cases. 

Placement History

Open placement searches according to assigned worker, and how many placements each worker secured each month. Also shows unassigned cases. 

Sibling Placement Pie chart and table displaying the proportion of children placed with all, some, or none of their siblings.  
Time to Placement

Table showing how long (how many days) it took to secure placement for a child - and which placement types were contacted: county homes, private agency homes, group homes. 

Training Attendance Table which displays an agency-wide list of trainings attended by caregivers.  

Agency-Specific Caregiver Management Reports

Name Description CSV
Services Table which displays all services delivered to children/youth. Requires configuration by Binti. Contact your Customer Success Manager for more information.  


Family Finding & Engagement Reports

Name Description CSV
Family Finding Efforts Fully formatted Excel document that complies data from the Relationships Dashboard.  *

*This report is an Excel document, not CSV.

Other Data for Reporting

In addition to the reports listed above, many pages in Binti also feature a download option. For example, the Caregiver Applications dashboard allows you to download data for all caregiver statuses (i.e. Recruiting, Applying, In Renewal Process, etc). The CSV file includes information displayed on the dashboard and additional information including contact information for the caregivers. 

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